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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cairan Pembersih Kaca Mobil bisa membunuh Orang !

Haloo teman, dimanapun Anda berada,
Dalam kesempatan ini, saya ingin berbagi Peristiwa Tragis yang menimpa suami dari Teman istri saya, kemaren pagi sebut saja Mr X, meregang jiwanya karena menurut informasi  yang di dapat dari istrinya, bahwa suaminya meminum Cairan Pembersih Kaca Mobil secara tidak sengaja (atau memang di sengaja) di letakkan pada botol minuman air mineral dan ada di bagian samping belakang supir.
Menurut info MR X merasa haus dan meminta minum air mineral yang ada di letakkan di samping2 bagian mobil dan sang supir bilang “minum saja botol air mineral yang ada di samping belakang” dan ternyata itu adalah botol air mineral yang berisi cairan pembersih kaca mobil dan setelah mengeluarkan buih tanda keracunan dan akhirnya beliau tidak tahan lagi dan menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya walaupun upaya temannya yang seorang dokter di RS Pertamina berusaha memompa dan berusaha mengeluarkan kan cairan pembersih kaca mobil itu dari tubuhnya dan usus besarnya namun  tidak berhasil juga menolong jiwanya.
Yang menjadi pertanyaan, apakah ini modus cara baru untuk membunuh seseorang dengan memberikan racun dalam minumannya ?, apakah ini murni kecelakaan semata ? hanya TUHAN yang tahu…ya hidup memang singkat !
Sayangnya lagi hal ini tidak di lakukan visum sebab apa yang membuat MR X meninggal dunia, karena Muslim maka Jenasah segera di kuburkan,  ya hal ini sangat tragis ya…. pesan saya berhati-hatilah ketika meminum air dari pemberian orang lain, apalagi bila anak-anak Anda suka menumpang pulang dengan mobil teman2nya,  jangan2 nasib Anda bisa keracunan juga spt peristiwa di atas…..ih serem ya.
Semoga tulisan ini berguna, bahwa nasib hidup seseorang sangat fragil dan sangat mudah Maut menjemput nyawa seseorang.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Quit Smoking Techniques

It is very easy to start smoking but it is an uphill task to quit it. Ask any chain smoker or even a person who smokes just a few cigarettes everyday. Usually a person can stop smoking for a couple of days, then the urge to smoke is so strong that one makes all
kinds of excuses to start it again. So you are back to square one. All kinds of methods have been advocated for quitting smoking, but the one that has made a big impact is Hypnosis. Hypnosis quit smoking methods has divided the medical fraternity into two. While some argue that Hypnosis quit smoking methods are not effective in the long run, there are others who advocate quitting smoking using hypnosis. They feel that hypnosis for quitting smoking is as effective as products that help one stop smoking.

It doesn't matter how long you have been smoking, whether you are a social smoker or a chain smoker if you want to quit smoking then hypnosis can help you. Everyone who has tried to quit smoking knows about the mood swings, lethargy and the intense cravings. When you use hypnosis to help you stop smoking, you have the help of a hypnotherapist who slowly takes you into a dreamlike state. You relax from head to toe. During this period a person is very receptive to suggestions. The hypnotherapist would then use many

positive suggestions that would help a patient to cut down his cravings for cigarettes. This is because one is in a relaxed state after hypnosis, therefore one feels less stress. And when one is less stressed one doesn't have the urge to smoke.

There has been a lot of debate on whether hypnosis quit smoking methods work in the long run. Some people are of the opinion that during the period of hypnosis treatment the patient is able to control his urge to smoke, but the moment the treatment is over
they cannot control the urge to smoke. In spite of this hypnosis is still one of the most popular methods to help one quit smoking. In the USA there are quite a few clinics that help one to quit smoking using hypnosis. For example Iowa and Indiana have a number of such clinics.

But the most important thing that you must remember when you want to quit smoking is that any method, whether it is hypnosis quit smoking methods or any other methods will work only if you have the willpower to say no to cigarettes. Love and good wishes, 

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