A fashion designer kicked off with a practical and stylish solution. Namely jacket with air conditioning system (AC). This jacket is able to issue fresh air around the user, both on the road or office. This jacket works utilizing the body's natural cooling system users.
Usually such written Dailymail, sweat is produced and evaporates, when evaporated, cooling effect occurs. But when that process occurs, clothes hinder this process by trapping the perspiration vapor point.
The jacket is made of former Sony technician Hiroshi Ichigaya produces a layer of air circulation that can increase the evaporation of sweat.
There are two fans in the back of the jacket that breathes fresh air to the wearer and out through the neck and cuffs. Moisture can also pass through this shirt.
Four-inch diameter fan powered by AA batteries are able to survive for several hours, or users can easily connect the jacket to the computer via a USB cable.
Electrical parts of this jacket can be removed if it will be washed. The only unpleasant effect is that the balloon effect caused by air flow. Ichigaya is now the president of this Kuchofuku shirt maker said, "This jacket is making you look like a 'Michelin Man'. However, most people pay more attention to be able to work comfortably
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